Vermilion Weather 2.0


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DisclaimerPlease note that weather forecasts/warnings and other weather related observations found on or other World Wide Web sites should not be substituted for official National Weather Service (NWS) forecast and warning information issued by local NWS offices, especially if you are making decisions about how or whether to protect lives or property.I am not a meteorologist, only a weather enthusiast with an interest in providing our area with good weather information. This is intended to be a useful weather resource, but there are no guarantees. Much of the weather data is drawn from government computers, and is therefor subject to any flaws in the source. As the NWS states: "Timely delivery of data and products from this server through the Internet is not guaranteed." Additionally there may be errors in the translation algorithm or server operation.
Although care has been taken in preparing the information supplied through, does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy of it. If you require an official forecast please contact your local National Weather Service Office. cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising.Where links have been made to other websites, cannot be held responsible for their content.
Data from and/or on this site is not always generated or verified by any official agency. Suitability for any particular use or purpose is up to the user. You should not rely solely on this data. Use all available resources before making any decisions. DO NOT make decisions that affect life or property based on this data!
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